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发布日期:2021-09-08 作者: 来源: 点击:




  1. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2013)。竞赛数字游戏结合员工出题运用于小学电磁教学之研究。数位学习科技期刊(TSSCI),51-25。

  2. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2013)。课室专注力量表建构。教育研究与发展期刊(TSSCI),91-28。

  3. Yang, H. J., Yang, Y. T. C*.,Chen, I. H., Tan Q. P., & Chiang, W. C. (2013). The effectiveness of behavioral change courses and healthy promotion cloud system on vocational high school students’ sleep hygiene,International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning(ProQuestEI数据库收录),3, 155-157.

  4. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2014)。探讨高中生静态身体活动、睡眠质量与正负向情绪对课室专注力与学业成就之影响。台东大学教育学报(TSSCI),11-28

  5. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2014)。认知策略、心情沉静狀态、课室专注力与学业成就之关聯:以台湾一所高级职业学校为例。香港中文大学教育学报(TSSCICSSCI—港澳台海外华文版),422,23-50。


  1. 陈奕桦(2015)。小员工ICT技能之多层次影响因素研究-以台湾地区资料为例。电化教育研究(CSSCI989-97。

  2. 陈奕桦、杨雅婷*。(2015)项目学习网络教学系统之教师使用意向研究。现代远距离教育(CSSCI),360-69国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2015年9月16日)

  3. 陈奕桦(2016)小员工网络成瘾评测工具与成瘾背后影响因素之检验。社会科学论坛(CSSCI-E),2206-216。

  4. 陈奕桦、杨雅婷*(2016)。台湾小学行动学习计划的员工自评学习效益影响因素探讨。教育科学研究期刊(ESCICSSCI TSSCIScopus),613),99-129

  5. 陈奕桦*、杨雅婷、文东霞(2016)。数字化游戏学习环境下的员工心流体验探讨。电化教育研究(CSSCI),840-52

  6. 陈奕桦*、杨雅婷(2016)。数字游戏式注意力训练实验研究。开放教育研究(CSSCI),226),103-111。

  7. 陈奕桦*、张献华(2017)。校内补课活动与校外补习对韩国中员工未来生涯准备的多层次影响分析。外国教育研究(CSSCI),446),82-94。国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2017年9月19日)

  8. 陈奕桦*、谢妮(2017)。中国、韩国和新加坡15岁青少年未来生涯能力培养模式比较研究。教育发展研究(CSSCI),12,16-21。人大复印全文转载(2017年12期,中小学教育);中国社会科学网全文转载(2018年3月21日);国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2017年11月9日);该论文得到济宁市第28次社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖

  9. 陈奕桦、付倩兰*(2017)。教学方法对小员工数学课堂参与度影响的实证分析。数学教育学报(CSSCI-E、北大核心)264,80-87。该论文得到成都市2016-2017年度基础教育课程改革优秀论文壹等奖

  10. 陈奕桦、赵可云(2017)。信息技术对中员工科学自我效能的促进成效。开放教育研究(CSSCI236,60-70。

  11. 陈奕桦、周谊*(2017)。中国15岁中员工未来生涯准备度分析。现代基础教育研究(CSSCI),284),96-103。

  12. 陈奕桦、谭蕾、李蒙蒙(2018)。残疾员工欺凌行为与经验量表中文版修订及信、效度评价。中国公共卫生北大核心、CSCD),347,1042-1045。

  13. 陈奕桦*、谭蕾(2018)。残疾员工校园欺凌研究现状。中国学校卫生(北大核心、科技核心),392,314-317。

  14. 赵可云、崔晓鸾、杨鑫、黄雪娇、陈奕桦(2018)。大众媒介对农村留守儿童学习社会化影响的实证研究。现代远距离教育(CSSCI-E),3,66-74。

  15. 陈奕桦(2018)。残疾员工与普通员工校园欺凌涉入情况比较。中国全科医学(北大核心),21S2, 231-233。

  16. 陈奕桦(2019)。我国台湾地区融合教育环境下残疾员工校园受凌情况。中国临床心理学(CSSCICSCD),271,83-89。

  17. 陈奕桦、周谊(2019)。公立与民办中学校园自主管理对员工学习表现影响的比较——基于京沪粤苏PISA 2015数据。现代基础教育研究(CSSCI33(1),12-19。

  18. 陈奕桦、付倩兰、林宗莹(2019)。电子白板竞赛游戏课堂评价环境下小员工数学学习表现变化。现代教育技术(CSSCI),467-74。国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2019年8月7日)该论文得到成都市第十五届教育改革与研究论文一等奖

  19. 陈奕桦、谢妮、孟志远(2019)。校园欺凌防制与中员工核心素养关系实证研究。四川师范大学学报(CSSCI464,86-97。

  20. 伊剑、陈奕桦*(2019)。考核制度对上海中学教师职业认同感影响:跨水平中介模型分析。中国临床心理学(CSSCI276,1220-1226。


  1. Chen, I.-H., Strong, C., Lin, Y.-C., Tsai, M.-C., Leung, H., Lin, C.-Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Time invariance of three ultra-brief internet-related instruments: Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale- Short Form (IGDS-SF9) (Study Part B).Addictive Behaviors. (IF=3.645, SSCI一区 [ Psychology Clinical, Rank: 19/131=0.14]),101, 105960-105969.

  2. Leung, H., Pakpour, A. H., Strong, C., Lin, Y.-C., Tsai, M.-C., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y.*,Chen, I.-H(2020). Measurement invariance across young adults from Hong Kong and Taiwan among three internet-related addiction scales: Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS-SF9)(Study Part A).Addictive Behaviors.(IF=3.645, SSCI一区[Psychology Clinical, Rank: 19/131=0.14]),101, 105969-105978.

  3. Chen, I.-H., Gamble, H. J., Lee, Z.H*., & Fu, Q.L (2020). Formative Assessment with Interactive Whiteboards: A One-Year Longitudinal Study of Primary Students’ Mathematical Performance.Computers & Education.(IF=5.63, SSCI一区[EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Rank: 3/243=0.01]),150,103833.

  4. Chen, I. H*., Lin, C. Y., Zheng, X., & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Assessing Mental Health for China’s Police: Psychometric Features of the Self-Rating Depression Scale and Symptom Checklist 90-Revised.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(IF=2.849, SSCI一区[Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]),17(8), 2737.

  5. Chen, I. H., Pakpour, A. H., Leung, H., Potenza, M. N., Su, J. A., Lin, C. Y., & Griffiths, M. D (2020). Comparing Generalized and Specific Problematic smartphone/internet Use: Longitudinal Relationships Between Smartphone Application-Based Addiction and Social Media Addiction and Psychological Distress.Journal of Behavioral Addictions (IF=5.14, SSCI一区 [PSYCHIATRY, Rank: 15/141=0.10]),9(2), 410-419.

  6. 陈奕桦、魏志慧、付倩兰(2020)。教育技术学实验研究工具的跨时测量恒等检测。现代教育技术(CSSCI4, 53-60.

  7. 陈奕桦、韩凯辉(2020)。学校自主管理成效研究—以中国和日本中学的比较为基础。江汉大学学报,371,104-128。人大复印全文转载,2020, 5.

  8. Chen, L., Gamble, J.H*.,Chen, I.-H*., Lee, Z.-H. & Fu, Q.-L (2020). Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance for a Chinese Version of a Psychological Need Thwarting Scale for Teachers.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=2.849, SSCI一区[Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]),17(9),3247.

  9. Chen, I. H., Chen, C. Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C. Y. (2020). Internet-Related Behaviors and Psychological Distress Among Schoolchildren During COVID-19 School Suspension.Journal of the American Academy of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry (IF=6.39, SSCI一区、SCI 一区[Psychology Development, Rank: 1/76=0.01,Pediatrics, Rank:2/125=0.02] ), 59(10), 1099-1102.

  10. Chen I-H, Ahorsu DK, Pakpour AH, Griffiths MD, Lin C-Y and Chen C-Y (2020). Psychometric Properties of Three Simplified Chinese Online-Related Addictive Behavior Instruments Among Mainland Chinese Primary School Students.Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=2.85, SSCI[ PSYCHIATRY, Rank: 41/141=0.29]), 11, 875.

  11. Chen, I. H., Lee, Z. H., Dong, X. Y., Gamble, J. H., & Feng, H. W. (2020). The Influence of Parenting Style and Time Management Tendency on Internet Gaming Disorder among Adolescents.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=2.849, SSCI一区[Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]),17(23),9120.


  1. Chen, CY., Chen, IH., O’Brien, K.S. et al. (2021). Psychological distress and internet-related behaviors between schoolchildren with and without overweight during the COVID-19 outbreak.International Journal of Obesity (IF=4.42, SCI一区 [Nutrition & Dietetics, Rank: 18/89=0.20]),45,677–686.

  2. Wang, Y., & Chen, I. H*. (2021). A multilevel study: Factors influencing Taiwan primary school students' ICT literacy.International Journal of Information and Education Technology (Scopus Indexing),11(1), 16-23.https://doi.org/10.18178/ijiet.2021.11.1.1483

  3. Qu, Y., & Chen, I. H*. (2021). Are Emotions Important for College Teachers’ Intentions to Use the Online Learning System? An Integrated Model of TAM and PAD.International Journal of Information and Education Technology(Scopus Indexing),11, 73-81. doi:10.18178/ijiet.2021.11.2.1492

  4. Zheng, Y., & Chen, I. H.*(2021). The Relation between ICT Usage and 15-Year-Old Students' Science Self-efficacy.InternationalJournal of Information and Education Technology(Scopus Indexing),11(2), 88-95.

  5. Chen, I.-H., Chen, C.-Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y., Li, X.-D., Tsang, H. W. H. (2021). Problematic internet-related behaviors mediate the associations between levels of internet engagement and distress among schoolchildren during COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal structural equation modeling study.Journal of Behavioral Addictions.(IF=5.143, SCI一区 [Psychiatry, Rank: 22/155=0.14];SSCI 一区[Psychiatry, Rank: 15/141=0.11]. https://akjournals.com/view/journals/2006/aop/article-10.1556-2006.2021.00006/article-10.1556-2006.2021.00006.xml

  6. Chen, I.-H., Gamble, J. H., & Lin, C.-Y.* (2021). Peer victimization’s impact on adolescent school belonging, truancy, and life satisfaction: A cross-cohort international comparison.Current Psychology(IF=4.297, SSCI一区[Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 22/140=0.16]).https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01536-7

  7. Chen, C. Y., Chen, I. H., Hou, W. L., Potenza, M. N., O'Brien, K. S., Lin, C. Y., & Latner, J. D. (2021). The Relationship Between Children's Problematic Internet-related Behaviors and Psychological Distress During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study.Journal of Addiction Medicine(IF=3.014, SCI二区[Substance abuse, Rank: 9/20=0.45]), 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000845. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1097/ADM.0000000000000845

  8. Yeh Y-C, Chen I-H, Ahorsu DK, Ko N-Y, Chen K-L, Li P-C, Yen C-F, Lin C-Y, Griffiths MD, Pakpour AH (2021). Measurement Invariance of the Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale: Comparison between Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese-Speaking Populations.Vaccines (IF=4.08, SCI 二区[Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 50/138=0.36])),9(3), 297.https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9030297

  9. Wang, P.-W., Ahorsu, D.K., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, I-H.*, Yen, C.-F., Kuo, Y.-J., Griffiths, M.D., Pakpour, A.H (2021). Motivation to Have COVID-19 Vaccination Explained Using an Extended Protection Motivation Theory among University Students in China: The Role of Information Sources.Vaccines(IF=4.08,, SCI二区 [Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 50/138=0.36])), 9, 380. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9040380

10.Chen, C.-Y., Chen, I.-H., Pakpour, A. H., Lin, C.-Y.*, & Griffiths, M. D.. Internet-related behaviors and psychological distress among schoolchildren during the COVID-19 school hiatus.Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (IF=4.157, SSCI一区[Psychology, Social, Rank: 13/65=0.19).https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2020.0497

  1. Fung, X. C. C.#, Siu, A., Potenza, M. N., O'Brien, K. S., Latner, J. D., Chen, C.-Y., Chen, I.-H.*, & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). Problematic use of internet-related activities and perceived weight stigma in schoolchildren: A longitudinal study across different epidemic periods of COVID-19 in China.Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=2.849, SCI二区[Psychiatry, Rank: 65/155=0.42]; SSCI二区[Psychiatry, Rank: 41/141=0.29]).

  2. Chen, I. H., Ahorsu, D. K., Ko, N. Y., Yen, C. F., Lin, C. Y., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2021). Adapting the Motors of Influenza Vaccination Acceptance Scale into the Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale: Psychometric evaluation among mainland Chinese university students.Vaccine(IF=3.641, , SCI三区[Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 76/140=0.54]))

  3. Fan, C.-W., Chen, I.-H., Ko, N.-Y., Yen, C.-F.*, Lin, C.-Y.*, Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (accepted). Extended theory of planned behavior in explaining the intention to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among mainland Chinese university students: An online survey study.Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. (IF=2.619,SCI二区 [Biotechnology & Applied microbiology, Rank: 76/156=0.49; Immunology, Rank: 109/159=0.69]),17(12).

  4. Chen, I.-H.†, Chen, C.-Y.†, Liu, C.-h., Ahorsu, D. K., Griffiths, M. D., Chen, Y.-P., Kuo, Y.-J., Lin, C.-Y.*, Pakpour, A. H., Wang, S.-M. (accepted). Internet addiction and psychological distress among Chinese schoolchildren before and during the COVID-19 outbreak: A latent class analysis.Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(1), 135-148. (IF=6.756, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 12/143=0.08]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 19/156=0.12])

联络方式:aholechen@gmail.com 0537-4450534
